Of Lost Childhoods.

The Honey bee. Ingenuity and Work.
46 min readOct 11, 2021

All of Humanity Staring up at that vast Universe lit with Stellar energy. A Universal Hypothesis that begins when we open our new eyes, as babes in arms, the mobile of the night sky, asking us all to question and map our place.When I say that I am a trained AMI teacher in the methodoolgy of Dr Maria Montessori, people often say something like “how cute.” It never seems to be stated widely, the Genius of this 7 time Noble Peace Prize Nominee. Trained as Italy’s First Female Physician, the daughter of forward thinking souls, she had to gain Papal consent to study Medicine. In her own memoirs she struggled through her years of medical training, against a sea of male dominance, and then to cap it all, she wasn’t allowed to practice as a Doctor, despite graduating. Most fortuitous for the children of our World. Her work is exceptional; she perfectly matched the neurological development of a child’s first five years, through the intense observation of a Physician tasked with education.

When we are babe’s in arms and till the age of five, our brains and indeed all senses each mnemonic device, mouth, hands, sight, hearing are so engaged each reinforcing beautiful bridges (neural pathways), all driven by an innate little inner teacher grasping at the environment. Par example the make up of language, inherently a mathematical process of deduction, with no help:

If we consider this, it becomes ever clearer that the child does an impressive work of inner formation. All that we ourselves are has been made by the child, by the child we were in the first two years of our lives. Not only has the child to recognize what he sees about him, and to understand and adapt himself to our way of life, but also — while still unteachable — he has to build up in himself all those complex formations that will become our intelligence, the foundation for our religious feelings,and of our particular national and social sentiments. It is as if nature had safeguarded each child from the influence of adult reasoning, so as to give priority to the inner teacher.

Could it be that we ask all the right questions in those early years?

Why can’t we fly? What’s up there in space? The dog talked to me. The table hit me.”

90% of Brain Growth Happens Before Kindergarten. It keeps growing to about 80% of adult size by age 3 and 90% — nearly full grown — by age 5. The brain is the command center of the human body.

Kentucky farmer and writer Wendell Berry: “We have never known what we were doing, because we have never known what we were un doing. We cannot know what we are doing until we know what nature would be doing if we were doing nothing.”

A recent review of research with infants by psychologist Dr. Alison Gopnik (University of California, Berkeley) suggests that babies as young as 8 months old not only pay attention to how often something occurs but that they may actually assign probabilities and make predictions about events based on their observations.

By analogy with what happens in language, he takes in a pattern; that is to say, he accepts stability and precision derived from abstractions, and ordered according to the mathematical mind. This pattern becomes part of him, in much the same fashion as biological configurations form part of an embryo. The pattern is something potent and creative, giving form to the personality in just the same way as hereditary features of the body are shaped by the genes, or modes of behaviour by patterns graven on the nerve centres. Montessori, M. (1948). The Discovery of the Child, NY: Ballantine Books.

The little child’s need for order is one of the most powerful incentives to dominate his early life. A sensitiveness to the orderly arrangement of things, to their relative positions, is contemporaneous with simple perception, i.e; with the first taking in of impressions from the environment.

Preschoolers also tend to give lifelike qualities, such as feelings and thoughts, to inanimate objects like teddy bears and leaves. This kind of thinking is known as animism. To preschool-age children, anything that moves is alive, like a piece of paper blown by the wind or a flowing stream.15 Aug 2019.

Add this:

It seems like the more physicists discover, the worse things get for those of us hoping to hold onto any sort of sense of normal “reality.” In fact, toward the end of his life, when Einstein was asked what was the biggest physics question he wished could be answered before he died, he replied, “I’d be happy if I just knew what an electron really was.” Now we know and we know it is energy at the most fundamental levels. Reality is stranger than we think. It’s stranger than most people can think. And the reality is that everything is energy and energy is everything.

or this using Quantum entanglement or “ the lifelike qualities preschoolers inherently give in their insistent statements of everything is alive and entangled to them>’ we get the fastest quantum communication;

he said. “It is a big step towards global-scale quantum communication.”

“Spooky pairs” / or what preschooler’s inherently know and state over and over its all interconnected;

“The experiment takes advantage of one of several phenomena that describes quantum mechanics: entanglement, or “spooky action at a distance,” as Albert Einstein called it. When two particles are entangled, they remain connected so that an action performed on one affects the other as well, no matter how far apart the two are. In the same vein, when one measures the state of one particle in the entangled duo, you’d automatically know the state of the second. Physicists call the states “correlated,” because if one particle — a photon, for example — is in an “up” state, its entangled partner will be in a “down” state — a kind of mirror image. (Strictly speaking, there are four possible combinations for the two particles to be in).

“The weird part is that once the state of the first particle is measured, the second one somehow “knows” what state it should be in. The information seems to travel instantaneously, without a speed-of-light limit. [8 Ways You Can See Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in Real Life]”

Now, the scientist who has developed special qualities of observation and who “possesses” an order in which to classify external objects will be the man to make scientific discoveries. It will never be he who, without preparation and order, wanders dreaming among plants or beneath the starlit sky.In fact, our little ones have the impression of continually “making discoveries” in the world about them; and in this they find the greatest joy. They take from the world a knowledge which is ordered and inspires them with enthusiasm. Into their minds there enters “the Creation” instead of “the Chaos”; and it seems that their souls find therein a divine exultation.

It was on the back of all my studies that I truly listened to my son and daughter, I valued all the work they were doing and took my oath to advocate for the child and become an instrument for their development through simply observing and providing answers. Both of them took me to space, I thought myself a true conservationist but apparently the conscious man sees the Fibonacci, the patterns, the music of the Universe, the unconscious as I was believes he is separate from the Universe. ( Metaphysics and Astrology).

Elements that come from neutron stars valuable metals, such as gold and platinum, or elements essential to making modern electronic devices. Some of them, such as iodine, are critical to life itself. Had the rate of collisions been different, or had Earth been at a different part of the Milky Way, the abundance of neutron-star matter on Earth, and with it our environment, may have been very different.

Our yearning for pieces of the Universe; the wars we fight, and indeed the end of civilisations due to mass consumption of these elements, par example Gold Ancient Egypt, should lead us to question how can we achieve the answers we all seek from birth.

On Uranus and Neptune it rains diamonds.

Diamonds stud the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn.

The Aurora vents could hold the keys to detecting life-forms in the deep oceans on alien worlds. For now, Aurora is one of the closest Earth-analogs to the seafloor vents that are thought to be erupting on faraway ocean worlds, including the ice-encrusted moons Europa and Enceladus, which are considered among the best places to look for existing extraterrestrials. (Find out more with our interactive atlas of moons.)Let’s take Gold for example which is believed to come from supernovae that collide, or neutron stars, that in turn shower the Earth. Neutron stars are dead stars that bless the world with gifts and clues and endorse the yearning we all hold to know our position in this endless universe. These stars are signposts to question and testimonials by nature that Einstein’s statement energy transforms and is never destroyed, is true.

Pink stars are baby stars, perhaps our love of pink?

We are made of stars, NASA recently wrote.

icy planets where it rains diamonds….. is this why we value them so greatly?

In the beginning they all spoke one language and it sounded like magic.

Made of stars in love with stars.

The questions my children asked served their first true classroom and external teacher, the universal teacher, Nature;

I don’t really need people but people need me

Yes, your future depends on me

When I thrive, you thrive

When I falter, you falter or worse

But I’ve been here for eons

I have fed species greater than you, and

I have starved species greater than you

My oceans, my soil, my flowing streams, my forests,

they all can take you or leave you

How you choose to live each day, whether you regard or

disregard me doesn’t really matter to me

One way or the other your actions will determine your fate

not mine.

Innately connected to Nature, questioning bigger questions than the highest educated in adult society, recognising that nature has been around for eons, until the poisons of social conditioning set in; a world is flat mentality, or the dark ages of medicine, or worse still super heroes don’t exist.

From 0 to 6 is the most important part of life, and this applies to character development also. All know that the infant in arms cannot be influenced, either by example or external pressure; so it must be nature herself who lays the foundations of character.

Montessori, M. (1948). The Discovery of the Child, NY: Ballantine Books.

The further assumption in this delusion (adult reasoning/ social conditioning ) is to know what phenomena are, the events that constitute our life. This “knowledge” is typical for the unconscious human, who sees natural processes as something different from themselves and from what they do. Even the most educated among the unconscious people (physicists) are prone to it even though they know that macrocosmic movement is subjected to the strong gravitational pull and microcosmic to the strong nuclear and electromagnetic forces, everything that is between these two extremes, which is our movement in everyday life. Despite this logic and these facts, they consider themselves to be different from the remaining nature — although our world is between these macro and microcosmic forces as between the hammer and anvil.

It isn’t working, we are teetering on a brink of destroying the most valuable insights we can gain on Earth, the magic wells of species, with toolkits far older and wiser than our own. The moral human is questioning the devastating attacks on their first teacher and solace.

“ One touch of nature makes us all Kin.” William Shakespeare.

In fact, it is worth questioning if we have regressed when reading Shinto:

“ And in the beginning they all spoke one language and it sounded like magic.”

which indeed one can google, to the effect the first language found to belong to man sounded like birdsong.https://news.mit.edu/2013/how-human-language-could-have-evolved-from-birdsong-0221

Then, in terms of our youngest members of humanity before social conditioning, and young children’s near universal desire to fly and animism;

“ And anything could become any form” ( Shinto ).

All the endless possibilities wrapped away in memory boxes, labelled childhood dreams.

In other words, it’s possible that unless some agency (such as human consciousness) interferes, particles remain in a probabilistic energy-wave state and never actualize into one location in particle form at all. Ultimately, reality as we experience it seems to be the result of human consciousness interfacing with the quantum levels of existence that are pure waves of energy. “You think that’s air you’re breathing?” Morpheus asks Neo in their martial arts sparring scene in The Matrix. “Huh.” Think again.

Morpheus is trying to get across to Neo that everything he thinks is real is actually only information that the brain receives and translates into a picture called reality. Amazingly, scientists are beginning to think the same way — understanding that energy is everything and energy is information in its purest sense.

My son took this further, he speaks of Universal Consciousness. The word consciousness is Latin rooted cum means “with” and scio meaning “know”. The Latin sense of consciousness means to share knowledge of it with someone else or within oneself. This takes us to the first religion; Vedanta is the most ancient religion of the world; Rig Veda is the oldest book in the world.More interestingly it does not cling to any one person. Not one man or woman has ever become the object of worship among the vedantins, it cannot be. No book, No particular man to worship, nothing. A man is no more worthy of worship of any bird or any worm. We are all same but the difference is only in degree. I am exactly same as the lowest worm. There is only little room in Vedanta for any man to stand ahead of us and for us to go andworship him- he dragging us on and we being saved by him.

Vedanta teaches democratic god, you have a government, but the government is impersonal. Nobody seems to understand that the real power, the real life, the real strength is in the unseen, the impersonal the nobody. As a mere person separated from others, you are nothing, but as an impersonal unit of the nation that rules itself, you are tremendous power, but where exactly the power? Each Man is the power. There is no king. I see everybody equally the same. I have not to take off my hat and bow down to anyone. Yet there is tremendous power in each man.

Which takes us to rule and divide, about to be obliterated by a few vital common unifying factors; the need to preserve the planet and the potential for enhanced interest in doing so, via each of us having the potential to increase our longevity from the discovery of CRISPR/Cas9 therapy which increases longevity and can supress ageing.

How do we put it all right?

Fall down “ a magic well “ into evolutionary toolkits far far older and superior in true democracy than our own

My daughter answered this, by falling in love with Honeybees during COVID, which became again one of the most beautiful journeys into conceptual learning imaginable. I will be brief, honeybees have a long history of being barometers to humans, and the health of the Earth and a far, far older and more successful evolutionary toolkit than our own. They also vitally, center the pips ( baby bees ) at the heart of all they do, this may seem obvious but here’s where it gets really exciting;

Honeybees are believed to be a super organism, most excitingly when they are looking for a new hive location ( as we humans are looking for answers and solutions and stellar energy and basically know very little of becoming a type 3 Civilization The Kardashev Scale is used by physicists and futurists all over the world to this day, though Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics and futurist in his book ‘Physics of the Future’, claims that humanity may attain Planetary Civilization status in just 100 years.)

We found this from Thomas Seeley's Honeybee Democracy

We will see that the 1.5 kilograms (3 pounds) of bees in a honeybee swarm, just like the 1.5 kilograms (3 pounds) of neurons in a human brain, achieve their collective wisdom by organizing themselves in such a way that even though each individual has limited information and limited intelligence, the group as a whole makes first-rate collective.

Like many other biologists, Seeley sees a bee colony as not just a collection of individuals but as a sort of super-organism. Thus the brain analogy above. Thus this:

A colony of honeybees is, then, far more than an aggregation of individuals, it is a composite being that functions as an integrated whole. Indeed, one can accurately think of a honeybee colony as a single living entity, weighing as much as 5 kilograms (10 pounds) and performing all of the basic physiological processes that support life: ingesting and digesting food, maintaining nutritional balance, circulating resources, exchanging respiratory gases, regulating water content, controlling body temperature, sensing the environment, deciding how to behave, and achieving locomotion.

And I began to question if we humans worked together we would have a God Like brain, to solve what I am informed makes us regressed and not taken seriously in the Universe, our reliance like stone age man on our own resources and our delight and indeed war over gold, diamonds and precious metals, basically bits of the Universe.

When someone on the spiritual path advances further, not only the soul-members become independent but also— in a highly subtle way — the whole structure of the brain, so that it comes into a condition very comparable to the bee colony.

1 — The nerve cells which serve waking consciousness and are therefore in the process of breaking-down, correspond to the drones ( male bees); blood cells correspond to workers; and certain cells in the interior of the middle of the head, the queen. It would require an entire essay in itself to relate in more detail the functions of these three kinds of cell groups to the three kinds of bee. For now, the above indication must suffice.

Bees and the Ancient Mysteries Lorenzen, Iwer Thor

If we were to be less un evolved for I see little difference: “ But then came the Migration Period. Starving, boozing barbarian hordes, dense berserkers, with little understanding of the subtleties of civilization, overran the Roman provinces. These were primitive people, still caught up in magical and superstitious ideas. Because they did not consider reading and writing powerful, they had also no understanding of the value of literary tradition; temples and libraries went up in flames. The recorded knowledge of the wise healers and their recipes were in danger of being lost forever. Fortunately, the monks who cared for this treasure trove of wisdom copied the surviving ancient manuscripts and thus secured them throughout the Dark Ages. In addition, they cultivated gardens of trusted medical plants from the Mediterranean region in their cloisters. After many centuries dominated by the superstitions and idol worship of the heathens, the teachings of Galen finally reemerged by way of monastic medicine.

The Untold History of Healing: Plant Lore and Medicinal Magic from the Stone Age to Present

Storl, Wolf D.

Must we keep living in a manner that feeds our youngest and brightest as law what we know of the Universe? Must we keep living without equality and swallowing whole the guilt which globally costs us more. When will we demand an end to ecocide inequality and poor trade? When we must in the name of our children’s children. Now.

Erich Fromm, As ‘freedom from’ is not an experience we enjoy in itself, Fromm suggests that many people, rather than using it successfully, attempt to minimise its negative effects by developing thoughts and behaviours that provide some form of security. These are as follows:

1. Authoritarlanlsm: Fromm characterises the authoritarian personality as containing both sadistic and masochistic elements. The authoritarian wishes to gain control over other people in a bid to impose some kind of order on the world, but also wishes to submit to the control of some superior force which may come in the guise of a person or an abstract idea.

2. Destructiveness: Although this bears a similarity to sadism, Fromm argues that the sadist wishes to gain control over something. A destructive personality wishes to destroy something it cannot bring under its control.

3. Conformlty: This process is seen when people unconsciously incorporate the normative beliefs and thought processes of their society and experience them as their own. This allows them to avoid genuine free thinking, which is likely to provoke anxiety.

Social constructs that destroy dreams I found are paralysingly strong, the work of Erich Fromm best described the shackles to imagination or innate curiousity humanity is put under to such a degree that at the age of three the child is subject to almost a form of PTSD.

I Return to a piece I wrote about the honeybees and social conditioning;

I am writing this because my honeybees will chase me if I don’t, I am fully aware how insane this first statement sounds, dependent on how socially conditioned you are, I will however keep going because right now they have been directing me to where I should buy land to rehouse them and ordering me back to my desk by facing my chest and literally bullet marching me back into the house, or floating in many numbers at a good plot of land or few at a a bad. So you see dear reader I am under bee bullets. I have since, becoming unwittingly, * a bee sanctuary person been accompanied to the beach for my life saving endorphin hit of six am swims by my bees.”

“ Mummy the bees went with you to the beach?” I try instinctively to downplay the truth to my daughter, I am, socially conditioned/ poisoned, despite the fact bees are reputed to be three times more trainable than dogs, despite my knowing this to be true, “ Oh I think so maybe “ I mutter, distracting and breaking her hopeful eight year old intense eye contact, her hope by weakly, scrummaging in the car, “ just grabbing my coffee,” trying as conditioned to be socially normal”” and not teach her to believe this is a possible, as I clamber out of the car to tussles of her hair, puppies and her harem of rescue cats, and trying to ignore the fact that the honeybee that had patiently waited by my car, diving neatly into my car door as I opened it, absolutely reminding me to return to the very real fact that although endorphin filled from my swim, I had now to recall my journey down to the beach accompanied by our honeybee family. Try as I might I cannot meet her eyes as she brightly questions this most beautiful hypothesis was it possible had the honey bee accompanied me and was she was waiting for me the honeybee, yes, and I knew as I had opened that car door she had slipped back inside the car and I had wolfed down some coffee to cope with this unusual event.

My heroes — my lights and beacons of minds are laid bare here, firstly my Grandpa an abundance mindset extraordinary human, who stated “Nature Is The Only True Value, left in a crazy world.” A man whose painting of White Sea foam becoming white horses, a man who was a believer in imagination being our only limitation, summed up in a painting he hung on his wall,


Noble Peace Prize nominees, sociobiologists, Einstein, E.O.Wilson, the creator of the Biophillic hypothesis;

“Biophilia hypothesis, idea that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. The term biophilia was used by German-born American psychoanalyst Erich Fromm in The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1973), which described biophilia as “the passionate love of life and of all that is alive.”

E.O.Wilson, a sociobiologist, which states our inherent need to learn from our first teacher Dr Maria Montessori’s theory backed by neuroscience that the small child in all of us lays a foundation that makes them, an old man by the age of three, encompasses that our greatest teacher and solace, would have been nature, before we are three, as we map our world, back to E.O. Wilson sociobiologist whose joyful poetic and sound observations have lit our minds;


( scientists live the longest of any profession along with beekeepers I have a theory they get to do what they actually did as children delve deep Jean Piaget stated “ all young children are young scientists).

The magic of the Honeybee

Let’s take our magic well as a human species and examine if perhaps we are overdeveloped( please see leading causes of death Globally); Until 70 thousand years ago, humans lived in very similar ways to other animals, but around that time a cognitive revolution began. We developed the ability to think about, and communicate, ideas that weren’t based in the concrete realities of daily life — i.e. theories, beliefs and myths. This made us fundamentally different from the rest of the living world. We could now accelerate human evolution, facilitated by the more advanced ways of communicating and the ability to transfer adaptive advantages by packets of learned information, rather than purely by genetics (DNA). This incredible evolution has makes us the most complex single organism on the planet. However, added complexity leads to added problems, such as self-destructive behaviours, and these can even take us away from the most basic needs, such as the desire to survive, to live, to belong, and to grow. Our brains give us the option to procrastinate, to knowingly make ourselves ill, to consciously hurt others, to go to war, to destroy our own surroundings, and lead some people to make a conscious decision to end their own life.With regard to our relationship with other people and other species, humans have developed to the extent that we are divorced from the surroundings that we rely on for life (for example, plants for food, clean air, clean water). Around 12,000 years ago the agricultural revolution began and people gradually settled down to have control over the plants and herds of animals around them. Somewhat surprisingly, this lead to humans having a more limited and unhealthier diet (mostly grain-based), they worked harder,”

I have long wondered why there are no high numbers of self imposed/ mental illnesses in “ less developed” countries, compared to the statistics of overdeveloped countries, (upon whose metric this is measured is beyond me. for in terms of geo economics blessedly underdeveloped would be more apt). I firmly believe it is collective human guilt that lends a hand in obesity, eating disorders, alcholism and pollution.

Is it that here we still live before the city in less developed places?

Propolis, the super disinfectant honeybees use to guard their hive entrances means before the city, a disinfectant so strong it rivals today’s hospital surgeries, used to guard entrances by throughly disinfecting new comers to the hive to allow the female guards to smell any intruder.

Tales of living in the Bein, the German word for how bees work for the good of the hive.its time to live within the Bien for the good of the hive.

Leonardo Da Vinci . “ If you do not rest on the good foundations of nature, you will labour with little honour and less profit.” He studied and recorded the behaviour of birds extensively before designing his flying machines. Charles Darwin and subsequent plant biologists and geneticists opened our eyes to the wonderful problem-solving abilities of plants.

And more recently Sir David Attenborough, “There are some four million different kinds of animals and plants in the world. Four million different solutions to the problems of staying alive”.

I am about to loose my teachers my heart is so broken, three families of honeybees I have loved so dearly, to explain honeybees must be told of the death of a family member see Telling of the bees, as they become so much a part of the family, that they are recorded as attending funerals swarming the corteges funeral tent, they are three times more intelligent than dogs, how painful it is to leave the mango tree bees, in their log hives we placed one Sunday knowing just for some reason exactly intately somehow where to place that hive, giggling in pyjamas my daughter and I with tousled Sunday hair, rolling the huge it seemed hand cast beautifully Darwinian hive, with it rough hewn hand tooled by master artisans of which Eastern Africa is rich, encouraging the bees to build propolis which means before the city and in bee worlds is used to glue and create new entrances much higher up than the langstroth hives traditional door, badly placed normal man made hives, did you know bees have existed for thirty million years and have an evolutionary toolkit far greater than ours, 7 million year with luck and dark ages of materialism and capitalism stuck on repeat with rule and divide.

We did not even invent the wheel, that was the tiny rotary motor found on the first bacteria on Earth.

Propolis for bees, means a bee glue that is “ far superior to the finest cleanest surgeries in the world” bees use smell to talk and touch and feeling, kinetic, so in this mostly female monarchy where drones are male and big fuzzy stingless diplomats who can visit any other hive and are useful emissaries and vital for genetic diversity and sing tales of history to the pips, according to a Bee Whisper; Songs of Increase author Jacqueline Freeman and all round amazing person, who is truly a luminary,

Funnily I read a headline that claimed “ New Study Finds a Single Neuron is a Surprisingly Complex Little Computer “ but the again Alan Turing said that long ago along with his fascination with the number six; Turing was a founding father of artificial intelligence and of modern cognitivescience, and he was a leading early exponent of the hypothesis that the human brain is in large part a digital computing machine. He theorized that the cortex at birth is an “unorganised machine” that through “training” becomes organized “into a universal machine or something like it.” Turing proposed what subsequently became known as the Turing test as a criterion for whether an artificial computer is thinking (1950).This paper is now a classic of recursive function theory. The atomic operations of a Turing machine are six in number, just like the amazingly precise architecture of a beehive.

Charles Darwin, for example, described the honeycomb as a masterpiece of engineering. He said, “It is absolutely perfect in economizing labor and wax”. My fingers traced the warp and weft

Honeybees have a long history of being barometers and friends and Nature seems to urge us all to look closely at their ways as a model for a successful evolutionary toolkit;

My fingers traced the warp and weft of the six-sided sanctuary; skill and care had gone into its construction, an example of the marriage of art and architecture. Running off of historical figures who had benefited from their relationship to the honeybee and the hive. “Pythagorus, who maintained a diet involving a great Appolonius, dined on a diet of milk and honey and lived to be 113. Pliny the Elder records that there were 124 centenarians living in the region between the Apennine Mountains and the Po River — not bad for such a tiny domain. Honey has always been part of the diet of the native Britons; indeed, the original name for Britain translated as ‘the isle of honey.’ Did you know that Plutarch observed, ‘These Britons only begin to grow old at 120 years of age’! Well, my own teacher left the world just a few feet from where you are standing, but he achieved only his one hundredth year, so hewas still a youngster in Plutarch’s book! Beekeepers — like the finest of wines — are better when aged.”

Our medieval scholars taught that bees were born from the dead bodies of cows and calves.

Buxton, Simon, The Shamanic Way of the Bee: Ancient Wisdom and Healing Practices of the Bee Masters

Which makes sense as the name for a western honey bee or European honey bee is Apis mellifera. Apis is commonly described as the Latin word for bee but trace this back to Ancient Egypt and Apis was the most important and highly regarded bull deity of ancient Egypt. His original name in Egyptian was Api. Some 300 years later, The Romans used an ox to call the bees, as beautifully described by Helen Jukes in A Honeybee Heart Has Five Openings;

“The Geoponica, a Roman compendium of agricultural lore, lays out detailed instructions for this task:The beekeeper should find a building ten cubits high and the same in breadth, with equal dimensions on all sides.There should be one doorway and four windows, one in each wall. Next he should drive an ox into it, thirty months old,well-fleshed, rather fat, then call a number of young men and have them beat it with bludgeons until they kill it. Every aperture of the animal should then be stopped with cloth, including the eyes, before the door and every window of the building are closed and sealed with clay, so that no air or wind or anything else can get in or ventilate it. After three weeks all entrances should be opened, and light allowed to pass through until the room and all substances inside it are sufiiciently aerated; then the door and all four windows should be closed and sealed again with clay. After eleven days the room should be opened up, whereupon it will be full of bees swarming on each other . . .and nothing left of the ox except the horns, the bones and the hair. I gaze around at my own room, imagining those windows and that door opening, the walls inside all thrust with light; wondering if bees really were found clustering, or if they were just flies feeding on a decaying carcass.And then what am I looking at? I am looking at a bee. Alive, and crawling very slowly across the carpet.If you were to take out a knife and open her body up, you probably wouldn’t recognise very much. A honeybee has an open circulatory system; the blood isn’t confined to arteries and veins but instead fills the body cavity, surrounding her organs in the form of that yellowish liquid you’d see oozing if you poked. But now look at her heart. A honeybee heart has five openings, each with a one-way valve..”

Bridge went on to detail facts that were as remarkable, if not more so, than the superstitions: how a wounded, starving, or plundered hive could actually moan in agony; that the bee can grow old quickly, and then grow young again — sterile bees can lay eggs in times of crisis and the senile can rejuvenate glands that have atrophied. [ CRISPR > biomimicry ?] Bridge also asserted that beekeepers rarely become ill and rarely if ever contract cancer or other terminal diseases. I considered this a very bold claim, but later I researched it and largely foundit to be true.

Buxton, Simon, The Shamanic Way of the Bee: Ancient Wisdom and Healing Practices of the Bee Masters

A survey on 5115 beekeepers and 121 patients treated with bee venom by an apitherapy clinic in the Hubei province, the epicenter of COVID-19 in China, reported that none of the beekeepers developed symptoms associated with COVID-19, the new and devastating pandemic.6 Oct 2020

Scientific research demonstrated that bees can diagnose accurately at an early stage a vast variety of diseases, such as: tuberculosis, lung and skin cancer, and diabetes. The outer curved tube helps bees avoid from flying accidentally into the interior diagnosis chamber, making for a more precise result.20 Nov 2013

Honey bees can be trained to detect cancer “in ten minutes”

human red blood cell membrane skeleton which is a network of roughly 33.000 flexible protein hexagons.


See, Nature loves Hexagons in Further Reading at The End, but here’s were number six, and obviously hexagonal shape. get really interesting they form the human red blood cell membrane skeleton which is a network of roughly 33.000 protein hexagons, and look like microscopic geodesic dome, so we are made of stars and hexagons.

And here is the Queen of all Hexagons, as I knew there would be, and please note the depth.

The ancient Egyptians named the planet we call Saturn after their god of light, Horus, who often appeared in the form of a hawk.it is suggested that Saturn’s connection with the Sun had its roots in the observations that Saturn’s course appears to be the steadiest one among the planets and that its synodic period of all the planets most closely resembles the length of the solar year.

Above is the vast, mysterious hexagon at Saturn’s North Pole.

The bizarre hexagonal cloud pattern was first discovered in 1988 by scientists reviewing data from NASA’s Voyager flybys of Saturn in 1980 and 1981, but its existence was not confirmed until NASA’s Cassini spacecraft observed the ringed planet up-close years later.

Nothing like the hexagon has ever been seen on any other world. The structure, which contains a churning storm at its center, is about 20,000 miles (32,000 kilometers) wide, and thermal images show that it reaches roughly 60 miles (100 km) down into Saturn’s atmosphere. [Photos: Saturn’s Weird Hexagonal Vortex]

Then to emphasise my request to follow the honeybee as a model upon which to build our Global Society;

Molecules are clusters of atoms joined like Tinkertoys. … Most common by far is the hexagon — a ring of six atoms. the crystal structure of nano particles is hexagonal.

The six carbon atoms form a perfectly regular hexagon. All of the carbon-carbon bonds have exactly the same lengths — somewhere between single and double bonds. There are delocalized electrons above and below the plane of the ring, leading me to;

It would be impossible for life on earth to exist without carbon. Carbon is the main component of sugars, proteins, fats, DNA, muscle tissue, pretty much everything in your body. … As the most stable thing for an atom to have is eight electrons, this means that each carbon can form four bonds with surrounding atoms. It is claimed this is why we humans are both carbon obsessed and carbon based.

About the eight as yet another signpost to infinity for it is the sign of infinity, and as mentioned above the most stable thing for an atom to have is eight electrons.

if Honeybees and our untainted children ( untainted by a world is flat mentality) aren’t hinting enough, if Nature in all her illuminated codes ( even starfish have hexagons at their base, and then there are stars in nearly all of nature, as Picasso said “God is an unoriginal artist,” or simply a great code creator), we have the figure eight performed by honeybees over a map angled at the Eastern sun of hexagonal honeycomb;

The dance also tells the other bees the distance they need to fly to find the food source. So through this crazy wiggling, figure 8 shaped dance pattern, honey bees are able to accurately tell other worker bees where to find the best source of food.21 May 2019

Bug Bytes: Honey Bee Waggle Dance | Montana Public Radio

Introduction. In 1973, the Austrian scientist Karl von Frisch was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research on the honey bee waggle dance (Von Frisch, 1967). He recognized how this unique form of communication allowed bees to share information on the location of food sources with nest-mates.5 Nov 2015

Why, when and where did honey bee dance communication …

So it is with pardonable pride that beekeepers have been known to endorse quotes like the one attributed to Albert Einstein: “If the bee disappears from the surface of the Earth, man would have no more than four years left to live.”

On Einstein, Bees, and Survival of the Human Race

“The Bee Mistress knows the secret glyph of this tradition is the lemniscate, the lemniscus infinitorum. Shaped like a figure eight on its side, or a knot, or the bow of a ribbon, it is commonly known as the infinity symbol. But it is no mere symbol, Initiate. It has practical expression as the signature and living pathway of infinity itself, brought into existence by a billion billion bees. It is the Dance of the Bee, and we dance this dance with them, as if grabbing the tail of a comet that takes us outside the circles of time whereeverything that ever will happen and everything that ever has happened is happening, simultaneously. We of the Path of Pollen are concerned with infinity and admire the powersnof abstraction that enabled our predecessors to think the virtually unthinkable, which is what occurs when one takeson infinity. But we are not bothered with the same questions as the philosophers, the problems and controversies about the figure of eight on its side and whether infinite quantities can actually exist as mathematical entities. The symbol gives us the means of being without ending and the path into and out of that being-without-ending. Remember Hamlet counting himself ‘king of infinite space’? This refers to nothing more complicated than mere size — physical space — which is of small consideration for those who can move from this world to the next and the next and the next. We deal with different dimensions of infinity, a multiplicity of infinities, which for us carry an endless fascination — and the lemniscate is our cognitive map of the realms revealed.“To commence your work with the lemniscate, consider that it is composed of a clockwise circle and a counterclockwise circle, a solar right side and a lunar left side. In other words, it consists of both right-hand and left- hand paths. This will tell you something of the nature of the Path of Pollen: We traverse both paths.”

Why Nature Prefers Hexagons — Issue 35: Boundaries — Nautilus

http://nautil.us › issue › why-nature-prefers-hexagons

Picture a bunch of these working simultaneously, butting heads, rear ends, and sides; the shape of the head and angle of the legs and distance between them.

Why is The Hexagon Everywhere? All About This Seemingly …

https://interestingengineering.com › why-is-the-hexagon-e…

This is one of the most commonly-known hexagons found in nature. Whenever you see the inside of a beehive, the number of packed hexagons are …10 Jun 2018 · Uploaded by Rebecca Wang

Cells come from a description imparted when they were first viewed, they looked like a Monk’s cell;

Back to the Architecture of consciousness and indeed a Universal consciousness theory;

Replicated studies show that living cells can instantly communicate over distances. One of the simplest experiments involves a batch of algae cells grown in a petri dish. After a few days the cells are divided into two batches. One batch remains in the original dish and the rest of the cells are whisked away to a different laboratory.

When the original group of cells is stimulated by a low-voltage current, the separated group of cells in the lab miles away reacts in precisely the same way, to the same degree, at the exact same instant that the stimulated cells react to the charge. And when the separated batch is stimulated the home team cells react instantaneously as well.

What on Earth is going on?

If everything from entangled electrons to atoms to living cells is actually hooked up and intercommunicating somehow, then connectivity just might be the key to a whole new way of understanding the universe. When we shift to the paradigm that everything is energy, suddenly many seeming conundrums begin to make a lot of sense. So far, the hunt for a medium of information exchange has lead scientists on a merry chase cooking up vortices and waves theories, space-time twists, superstrings, and quantum foam. Even the ancient concept of the ether has been resurrected as a possible answer to entanglement. But the simplest, most elegant theories take us straight back to the matrix and the idea that everything is energy and information when all is said and done.

Noted English mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose theorizes that at the level of the Planck scale (an unfathomably small and unimaginably energetic scale at which even quantum field theory breaks down) the entire universe is actually pure, abstract information.

Modelling the collective consciousness of honeybees for a better evolutionary toolkit.

Collective consciousness may prove to be a powerful anti- or post Armageddon goal for our civilization to contemplate. To this idea there are eminent forerunners gifted with vision. Thus, for the sixteenth-century physician and alchemist Paracelsus, all living beings together with their physical universe form a greater whole: a unitary and evolutionary consciousness — in essence, God. This vision resembles the age-old Eastern concept of cosmic consciousness, called Brahman by the Hindus and Tao by the Taoists. Yet the thinker who best developed this idea wasthe philosopher and anthropologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,who proposed that the next step for humanity was to make a leap in terms of collective consciousness. Teilhard de Chardin..The future of humanity is in our hands — cocreated by each and every one of us. Collective consciousness steered by a vision could well be the only force able to take us beyond unfolding catastrophes toward a luminous future.

There are many indicators that collective consciousness will be the next leap in evolution on Earth — both opening new reaches of the mind and offering us the means to heal Earth. To become convinced that this leap is already happening, we need only to observe the emergences in terms of collective responsibility, ecological focus…. This leap should start a new cycle on Earth under the sign of collective harmonious spirituality among responsible individuals, each of us connected to our own higher Self. Yet there’s no guarantee that we’ll effectively succeed in completing this leap to another state of our collective being, because,standing in our way, are huge obstacles above and beyond the problems linked to the biosphere. Strangely, one of these is the nightmarish vision of the Apocalypse or Armageddon described in St. John’s book of Revelation. From the perspective of SFI‘, the Apocalypse is a negative attractor in our collective psyche: it constellates our worst fears, defeatism, and self-culpability as much as it amplifies all warlike and lethal tensions. While endorsing this frenzied ensemble of broken pieces, any person or group may project onto our collective future whichever nightmare is plaguing him or it. Indeed, psychologist Carl Jung’s in-depth analysis talks about a “shadow” within the psyche and reaches the same conclusion about the author of Revelations.3 The dreadful vision of Armageddon has by now become a collective constellation, and therefore Jung’s conclusion must be extended at the collective level. We are constantly projecting an energy, it is a powerful energy that is projected, so powerful as to be capable of weaving events and of bending probabilities toward this outcome. Moreover, to this lethal attractor are attached not only all similar prophecies, but also the no-less-nightmarish forecasts of science relative to the disruption of ecological systems — which are reinforced by daily news. As a result, the Armageddon semantic constellation has become a juggernaut.Strangely, and to help tip the scale the other way, there are also glorious or at least nonterminal prophecies (“nonterminal”since prophecies can describe only major transformations).

Theosophist Alice Bailey predicted that Earth will be a “sacred planet” when all people become harmonized in their spirit. Several spiritual movements and/ or secret societies hold the belief that a hierarchy of highly evolved beings and hidden masters is steering the spiritual evolution of the planet. One oftheir veiled yet persistent predictions is that the planetary hierarchy (conceived as one and the same at its top) will one day take the reins of politics all over the world — a comforting statement in the sense that there will still be a planet to govern!

Let’s also consider a heartening Sufi prediction about a future time in which will reign the “hidden imam” — that is, the imam hidden inside eachperson. In other words, each individual will be directly connected to his divine source, the Self (the higher Self of Jung).

Exract from , The Sacred Network: Megaliths, Cathedrals, Ley Lines, and the Power of Shared Consciousness

Hardy, Chris H.

“Times have changed, and science has made great progress, and so has our work; but our principles have only been confirmed, and along with them our conviction that mankind can hope for a solution to its problems, among which the most urgent are those of peace and unity, only by turning its attention and energies to the discovery of the child and to the development of the great potentialities of the human personality in the course of its formation.”

Wrote a hopeful,

Montessori, M. (1948). The Discovery of the Child, NY: Ballantine Books.

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am for myself only, what am I?

If not now — when?

Talmudic Saying

M ishnah, Abot

Neither heavenly nor earthly, neither mortal nor immortal have we

created thee, so that thou mightest be free according to thy own will

and honor, to be thy own creator and builder. To thee alone we gave

growth and development depending on thy own free will. Thou

bearest in thee the germs of a universal life.

Pico della Mirandola

Oratio de Hominis Dignitate

Nothing then is unchangeable but the inherent and inalienable rights

of man.

Thomas Jefferson

“In truth any single bee (human) can do the impossible in order to maintain the wholeness of the hive (world).”

Lessons in feeling the equilibrium of silence and as such improving attention to the paintings and sights of Nature, from Dr Maria Montessori’s Own Handbook;

It is quite plain to see that the children take a great interest in the “Silence”; they seem to give themselves up to a kind of spell: they might be said to be wrapped in meditation. Little by little, as each child, watching himself, becomes more and more still, the silence deepens till it becomes absolute and can be felt, just as the twilight gradually deepens whilst the sun is setting. Then it is that slight sounds, unnoticed before, are heard; the ticking of the clock, the chirp of a sparrow in the garden, the flight of a butterfly. The world becomes full of imperceptible sounds which invade that deep silence without disturbing it,just as the stars shine out in the dark sky without banishing the darkness of the night. It is almost the discovery of a new world where there is rest. It is, as it were, the twilight of the world of loud noises and of the uproar that oppresses the spirit. At such a time the spirit is set free and opens out like the corolla of the convolvulus. And leaving metaphor for the reality of facts, can we not all recall feelings that have possessed us at sunset, when all the vivid impressions of the day, the brightness and clamor, are silenced? It is not that we miss the day, but that our spirit expands. It becomes more sensitive to the inner play of emotions, strong and persistent, or changeful and serene.

One Hive/ One planet/ One Evolved mindset collectively committed to solving it:

The WHO 2019 lists,

The top global causes of death, in order of total number of lives lost, are associated with three broad topics: cardiovascular (ischaemic heart disease, stroke), respiratory (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lower respiratory infections) and neonatal conditions — which include birth asphyxia and birth trauma, neonatal sepsis and infections, and preterm birth complications.

Ischaemic heart disease;
is the most common cause of myocardial ischemia. Blood clot. The plaques that develop in atherosclerosis can rupture, causing a blood clot. The clot might block an artery and lead to sudden, severe myocardial ischemia, resulting in a heart attack. 5 May 2021.

Avoidable in a simple moral way;
There are several ways you can reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD), such as lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

  1. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. …
  2. Be more physically active. …
  3. Keep to a healthy weight. …
  4. Give up smoking. …
  5. Reduce your alcohol consumption. …
  6. Keep your blood pressure under control.

Because most COPD exacerbations are triggered by upper respiratory infections, it is especially important for those living with COPD to know the early signs of these illnesses and take appropriate steps to protect themselves.12 Aug 2019

COPD & Upper Respiratory Infections | DispatchHealth

Is COPD upper or lower respiratory infection?

What is the cause of chronic lower respiratory diseases?Risk factors for chronic respiratory diseases include tobacco smoking (including second-hand smoke), air pollution, allergens and occupational risks. Outdoor air pollution and indoor air pollution (often caused by cooking with solid fuels) are also common causes.

The number one source of outdoor air pollution is the burning of fossil fuels, primarily by motor vehicles. However, manufacturing industries, mining, and coal- and gas-fired power stations are also responsible for polluting the atmosphere.13 Jun 2019

WHO | Newborn death and illness — WHO | World Health …

https://www.who.int › media › fs_newborndealth_illness

The three major causes of neonatal deaths worldwide are infections (36%, which includes sepsis/pneumonia, tetanus and diarrhoea), pre-term (28%), and birth

Tetanus is an infection caused by a bacterium called Clostridium tetani.

Common Ways Tetanus Gets Into Your Body

  • Wounds contaminated with dirt, poop (feces), or spit (saliva)- solution clean water, soap
  • Wounds caused by an object puncturing the skin (puncture wounds), like a nail or needle.
  • Burns.
  • Crush injuries.
  • Injuries with dead tissue.

You must see a doctor in four weeks and again in six months to complete the primary vaccination series. The second important method of preventing tetanus is cleaning out the wound as thoroughly as possible. The wound can be washed with clean water, and soap can be used to clean the area around the wound. Clean water for a better healthier globe.

What Causes Diarrhea?

  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Allergies to certain foods.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the intestines (such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis)
  • Eating foods that upset the digestive system.
  • Infection by bacteria (the cause of most types of food poisoning) or other organisms.
  • Laxative abuse.
  • Medications.

Known causes of preterm labor are:

  • Infections.
  • Vaginal bleeding.
  • Hormone changes.
  • Stretching of the uterus. This might be from being pregnant with more than 1 baby, a large baby, or too much amniotic fluid.

Save money from the above via organisation: smoking bans, fast food bans, manufacturing hold, rellocation to traditional architecture cities left for research- all above issues are solveable with order and temporary restrictions by a global task force freeing up, funds to examine:

The World Health Organization says that every year more than 3.4 million people die as a result of water related diseases, making it the leading cause of disease and death around the world. … The report says four out of every 10 people in the world, particularly those in Africa and Asia, do not have clean water to drink.Water and health. Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio. Absent, inadequate, or inappropriately managed water and sanitation services expose individuals to preventable health risks.14 Jun 2019

Drinking-water — WHO | World Health Organization

https://www.who.int › Newsroom › Fact sheets › Detail

14 Jun 2019 — WHO fact sheet on water: key facts, access to water, water and health. … an acute and chronic disease caused by parasitic worms contracted …

Global WASH Fast Facts | Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

https://www.cdc.gov › global › wash_statistics

Access to Clean Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene; Disease and Death; Prevention … Trachoma is the world’s leading cause of preventable blindness and results …

Effects Of The Water Crisis On Health | Water.org

https://water.org › Our Impact › The Water Crisis

Unclean water affects millions around the world. The lack of access to safe water contributes to the spread of infections and water borne disease.

Learn About The Global Water Crisis | Water.org

https://water.org › Our Impact

Access to safe water and sanitation contributes to improved health and helps prevent the spread of infectious disease. It means reduced child and maternal …

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene | UN-Water

https://www.unwater.org › Water Facts

Indeed, access to safe water and sanitation are human rights, as recognized … The diseaseand time burden associated with lack of access to WASH prevents …

Dirty water and lack of safe toilets among top five … — WaterAid

https://www.wateraid.org › media › dirty-water-and-lac…

3 Jul 2017 — Diseases linked to dirty water and the lack of safe toilets are the fifth biggest global killers of … Top 10 causes of death for women.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) | UNICEF

https://www.unicef.org › wash

Access to clean water, basic toilets, and good hygiene practices not only keeps … day of diarrhoeal diseases due to lack of appropriate WASH services.

27 million people lack safe water in countries facing or at risk …

https://www.unicef.org › press-releases › 27-million-pe…

29 Mar 2017 — Lack of adequate sanitation facilities and poor hygiene practices are spreading disease. A cholera outbreak in June 2016 produced more than …

Water for health — eird.org

http://www.eird.org › isdr-biblio › PDF › Water f…


by World Health Organization (WHO · 2001 · Cited by 60 — Lack of water and sanitation create ideal conditions under which faecal oral diseases thrive … leading cause of illness and death

Ambient air pollution — WHO | World Health Organization

https://www.who.int › … › Air quality and health

Ambient air pollution accounts for an estimated 4.2 million deaths per year due to stroke, heart disease, lung cancer and chronic respiratory diseases.

Noncommunicable diseases and air pollution (2019) — WHO …

https://www.euro.who.int › air-quality › publications

Air pollution is the second leading cause of deaths from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), after tobacco-smoking. In 2018, the third United Nations …

List of pollution-related diseases

Outdoor Air pollution[edit] · 40% — ischaemic heart disease · 40% — stroke · 11% — chronic obstructive pulmonary disease · 6% — lung cancer · 3% — acute lower …

Environmental Diseases vs. Pollution-Related Diseases · ‎Water pollution · ‎Toxins

Air Pollution Diseases | Environmental Pollution Centers

https://www.environmentalpollutioncenters.org › air › d…

Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health · Respiratory and lung diseases, including: · Leukemia — a type of blood cancer usually associated with exposure to …

Medical Conditions | Environmental Pollution Centers

https://www.environmentalpollutioncenters.org › medic…

The main problem with pollution is that it may affect human health eventually resulting in medical conditions usually referred to as pollution diseases

Health Effects of Air Pollution — Spare The Air

http://www.sparetheair.com › health

Aggravate lung disease causing asthma attacks and acute bronchitis · Increase susceptibility to respiratory infections · Cause heart attacks and arrhythmias in …

The Terrible 10: Air Pollution’s Top 10 Health Risks — American …

https://www.lung.org › blog › air-pollutions-top-10-hea…

7 Apr 2017 — Worsened COPD symptoms: Exposure to air pollution can make it even harder for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to …

An association between air pollution and daily most frequently …

https://www.nature.com › scientific reports › articles

by TT Chau · 2020 · Cited by 15 — The leading causes of the diseases of the respiratory system are allergic rhinitis, asthma, and COPD. Pneumonia is not a significant cause of …

Pollution in the Americas: a leading cause of disease burden …

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › …

by JM Samet · 2019 · Cited by 2 — Pollution in the Americas: a leading cause of diseaseburden and an opportunity for cancer prevention. Salud Publica Mex. Jul-Ago 2019;61(4):417–426. doi: …

Thats 8.1 million deaths globally.

clean water and sanitation — World Vision

https://www.worldvision.org › our-work › clean-water

Dirty water and poor sanitation and hygiene result in the deaths of nearly 1,000 children every day. A deep well can provide up to 2,800 gallons of safe, life- …

It Could Only Cost 1% of GDP to Solve Global Water Crises

https://www.wri.org › insights › it-could-only-cost-1-gd…

by C Strong · Cited by 1 — The solutions to the world’s water crises, though, cost far less than you might think. New WRI research found that securing water for our …

Price of Safe Water for All: $10 Billion and the Will to Provide It

https://www.nytimes.com › 2000/11/23 › world › price-of…

23 Nov 2000 — Bringing water and sanitation to all would cost $10 billion a year, Mr. Jolly said. That, he added, is ‘’one-tenth of what Europe spends on …

‘It is not a question of cost but of priority,’’ said Richard Jolly, chairman of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, sponsored by the W.H.O.

Bringing water and sanitation to all would cost $10 billion a year, Mr. Jolly said. That, he added, is ‘’one-tenth of what Europe spends on alcoholic drinks each year, about the same as Europe spends on ice cream and half of what the United States spends each year on pet food.’’

Global Burden

In 2016, 3 million deaths, or 5.3 percent of all global deaths (7.7 percent for men and 2.6 percent for women), were attributable to alcohol consumption. Globally, alcohol misuse was the seventh-leading risk factor for premature death and disability in 2016.1 Jun 2021

Includes causes of death: Alcoholism

Bad Diets Are Responsible For More Deaths Than Smoking

https://www.npr.org › sections › thesalt › 2019/04/03 › ba…

3 Apr 2019 — Some 11 million deaths annually are linked to diet-related diseasesGlobally, these findings may serve as a reminder that when it comes …

By owning a pet, you are doing more damage — The Independent

https://www.independent.co.uk › Climate › Opinion

5 May 2021 — Densities of domestic cats can be as high as 2000 per square … frogs and snakes and 27 million birds were killed every year by UK cats.America’s Fancy Pet Food Addiction Is a Big Problem for the …

https://www.smithsonianmag.com › smart-news › ameri…

10 Aug 2017 — The environmental impact of our diet on the planet is well known, but new research shows that the impact of our faithful furry friends and …

That’s 22 million deaths Globally. From Greed, misappropraition of Global Taxation, and Basic Human Right’s Abuses.

The Honeybee’s are a Female monarchy, the imbalance in Gender of our World has to end, and with it costs would be redistributed toward the health of our children and lost childhoods;

In 2019, Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia ranked as the 7th leading cause of death. Women are disproportionately affected. Globally, 65% of deaths from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are women.

Researchers say chronic stress may be one of the factors involved in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. They say constant stress can affect the brain’s immune system in a way that may lead to dementia symptoms.28 Jun 2021. Alzheimer’s disease; A progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions. Brain cell connections and the cells themselves degenerate and die, eventually destroying memory and other important mental functions. Memory loss and confusion are the main symptoms.No cure exists, but medication and management strategies may temporarily improve symptoms.

Chronic stress causes too much cortisol to be produced and the end result is that the brain shrinks and many brain nerve cell connections breakdown and malfunction. We have the ability to change our habits and put into place life changing stress management tools and strategies that allow our body to self-repair.Women Across 17 Countries Report Increased Stress … — Forbeshttps://www.forbes.com › dishashetty › 2021/01/29 › w…

29 Jan 2021 — Women reported greater mental health stress and a rise in time spent … and Women Deliver, a global advocacy initiative to promote gender …Women are overworked, underpaid, and more stressedhttps://www.business-standard.com › Companies › News

19 May 2021 — A new Deloitte study, “Women@Work”, states that Indian women are working in worse conditions than their global counterparts. A survey of 5,000 …Why are stress levels among women 50% higher than men?https://www.priorygroup.com › Blog

Why do women experience significantly higher levels of stress than men? … “In professional terms, women’s place in the world has been transformed over the …Gender and women’s mental health — WHO | World Health …

https://www.who.int › teams › gender-and-women-s-me…

Unipolar depression, predicted to be the second leading cause of globalStress Disorder (PTSD) following such violence, renders women the largest single …Prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression among the general

https://globalizationandhealth.biomedcentral.com › artic…

by N Salari · 2020 · Cited by 890 — The prevalence of stress in 5 studies with a total sample size of … and the spread of the virus swiftly became a global health threat [2].

Lets go back to what India’s women face; Previous reports have linked long-term air pollution exposure with accumulation of Alzheimer’s disease-related brain plaques, but this is the first accumulated evidence that reducing pollution, especially fine particulates in the air and pollutants from the burning of fuel, is associated with lower risk of all-cause …26 Jul 2021

Improving Air Quality Reduces Dementia Risk, Multiple …

Yet due to https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/why-india-has-the-worlds-lowest-rate-of-alzheimers-disease-9366 nutrition saved.

East Asia is the region with the most people living with dementia (9.8m), followed by Western Europe (7.5m), South Asia (5.1m) and North America (4.8m).

Global prevalence — Dementia Statistics Hub

Further Reading;

Unique Thinking Skills in Preschool-age Children

The Theory of Everything… Everything Alive! | PhysicsCentral

https://www.physicscentral.com › explore › action › alive

Everything Alive! About Biological Scaling. Physicists like to explain a broad range of phenomena with a few simple mathematical laws. For example …

https://www.washingtonpost.com › news › 2015/04/02

2 Apr 2015 — It turns out that surprised babies might run little science experiments to explain why objects defy their expectations.

Scientists discover the origins of gold in space | Financial Times

https://www.ft.com › content

21 Mar 2018 — The main reason for its scarcity close to Earth’s surface is that almost all the gold, sent into space by early neutron star explosions, sank …

Does all the gold in the universe come from stars?

https://astronomy.com › magazine › news › 2020/11

10 Nov 2020 — Astronomers explained that, beyond the destruction of the stars and the ripples in space, such events also create all the heavy elements we know …How Gold is Created in Outer Space — Manhattan Gold & Silverhttps://www.mgsrefining.com › … › Gold Market News

9 May 2018 — We all know gold is mined from the ground. But, have you ever wondered how it got there? Surprisingly, gold is most likely from outer space

It rains solid diamonds on Uranus and Neptune — The …

https://www.washingtonpost.com › news › 2017/08/25

25 Aug 2017 — Another reminder that the solar system is awesomely bonkers. … millions of times more intense than the air pressure at Earth’s sea level.

Diamonds Stud the Atmospheres of Saturn and Jupiter

https://www.nationalgeographic.com › science › article

9 Oct 2013 — Liquid Diamond Seas. At the greatest depths of Jupiter’s … The possible size of these cosmic diamonds is subject to speculation.

Diamond Rain May Fill Skies of Jupiter and Saturn | Space

https://www.space.com › 23135-diamond-rain-jupiter-s…

9 Oct 2013 — (Image credit: Michael Carroll/Alien Seas) … “The new data available hasconfirmed that at depth, diamonds may be floating around inside …

Oceans of Liquid Diamond May Exist On Neptune and Uranus

https://phys.org › Physics › General Physics

18 Jan 2010 — When diamond is melted it behaves like water during freezing and melting, … 40 million times greater than that found at Earth’s sea level.

In the beginning they all spoke one language, and anything could become any form. Lets start our new Once Upon a Time, modelled on the things that really matter.



The Honey bee. Ingenuity and Work.

In truth any single bee can do the impossible to maintain the wholeness of the hive. Drawing on a superior evolutionary toolkit for solutions, met the honeybee.